LBC Bible Teaching Sunday School
This ministry is an opportunity for every person to study the Bible in an in-depth and systematic way.
Please join us every Sunday morning at 10:00 and remember to bring your Student Guide or pick one up if it's your first time attending.
Please join us every Sunday morning at 10:00 and remember to bring your Student Guide or pick one up if it's your first time attending.
We are currently studying from the Bible about having faith in God. The life of faith is the real Christian life. Our Lord has designed the Christian life so that it can only be lived by faith. The life of faith is the required Christian life. This series of bilical lessons should increase our understanding that the object of our faith is to be the Lord Jesus Christ and that we must keep our eyes on Him. Learning that our faith in God is demonstrated by living a life of obedience to God's Word. Allowing the Lord to be great in our lives so that others will know what a mighty God He truly is. Living by faith in our homes and taking seriously our responsibility to teach our children of God and His Word. Determining by God's grace to finish right and to die with strong faith in the Lord. This study began on July the 14th and will continue through October the 13th.