Abase Make or bring low; to humble. Job 40:11
Abated Reduced in intensity or amount. Gen 8:3
Abhor Despise; spurn; regard with horror. Ex 5:21
Abjects People thrown out; outcasts. Psa 35:15
Abode To have stayed; remained; a dwelling. Gen 29:14
Acceptation Acceptance; approval. 1 Tim 1:15; 4:9
Acquit Judged not guilty. Job 10:14
Adamant Rock or very hard mineral. Ezek 3:9
Adjure To command, under oath or threat. Josh 6:26
Admonish To instruct; advise; warn. Eccl 4:13
Ado Fuss; bother; tumult. Mark 5:39
Advertise To advise; warn; inform; reveal. Num 24:14
Advisement Counsel; consideration 1 Chr 12:19
Affinity Become a son-in-law; an in-law. 1 Ki 3:1
Affording Providing; yielding (as of crops). Psa 144:13
Affright To frighten. Deut 7:21
Afoot On foot. Mark 6:33
Afore Before. 2 Ki 20:4
Afresh Again; anew. Heb 6:6
Agone Ago. 1 Sam 30:13
Ague A fever. Lev 26:16
Alamoth Treble instruments; woman singers; music played in treble (high notes). 1 Chr 15:20
Albeit "Although it be that," shortened. Ezek 13:7
All to To do entirely; do wholly. Judg 9:53
Alleluia "Praise ye the LORD!" Rev 19:1
Allow To approve; commend; accept. Luke 11:48
Alms Giving to the poor to help them. Matt 6:1 ff.
Aloof At a distance, but within view. Psa 38:11
Ambassage Ambassador(s); a message. Luke 14:32
Ambushment Attack by surprise; ambush. 2 Chr 13:13
Amen True; "so be it;" faithful; certain. Num 5:22
Amerce To punish by imposing a fine. Deut 22:19
Amiable Dear; lovely; beloved. Psa 84:1
Amiss Wrong; incorrect. 2 Chr 6:37
Anathema To be damned by God. 1 Cor 16:22
Angle Fishhook. Isa 19:8
Anise Plant of the parsley family. Matt 23:23
Anon Immediately; right away. Matt 13:20
Apace At a quick pace; quickly. 2 Sam 18:25
Apothecary One who makes perfumes. Ex 30:25
Apparel Clothing. Judg 17:10
Appertain To belong to; to pertain to. Lev 6:5
Archangel Head or chief angel. 1 Thes 4:16
Ariel "Lion of God," name for Jerusalem. Isa 29:1-2, 7
Aright In the right way. Psa 50:23
Ark The ship Noah built; box; chest; Gen 6:14; the basket boat of baby Moses. Ex 2:3
Armholes Holes for your arms; sleeves. Jer 38:12
Array To put on; to clothe. Gen 41:42
Art You (one person) are. Gen 3:9
Artificer Artisan; craftsman. Gen 4:22
Artillery War equipment; weapons. 1 Sam 20:40
Asp Snake; serpent. Deut 32:33
Assayed Attempted; tested; analyzed. Deut 4:34
Assent Accord; agreement. 2 Chr 18:12
Asswage Lessen; relieve; satisfy; sweeten. Gen 8:1
Astonied Be taken by surprise. Ezra 9:3-4
Atonement A person or animal taking another's place, to cover sins. Ex 29:33
Attent Attentive; observant. 2 Chr 6:40
Augment Increase; make bigger. Num 32:14
Austere Severe; strict; harsh; solemn. Luke 19:21-22
Averse Disliking; turned from. Mic 2:8
Avouched Affirmed; admitted; vouched for. Deut 26:17-18
Away with OT: To tolerate; bear; endure. Isa 1:13; NT:"Take away!" Luke 23:18
Axletree Spindle/shaft on which a wheel rotates. 1 Ki 7:32-33.
Backbiting Evil speaking; slandering. Psa 15:3
Balm A medicine; rosin from a bush. Gen 37:25
Banquetings Drinking, gluttony; rich partying. 1 Pet 4:3
Baptize Immerse; dip a thing. Matt 3:6
Barbarous Foreign. Acts 28:2
Barked Scraped the bark off. Joel 1:7
Base (to be) Low; lowly; humble. 2 Sam 6:22
Battlement Low wall around a roof. Deut 22:8 Wall for defense. Jer 5:10
Became him Was fitting for; was exactly suited for. Heb 2:10; 7:26
Beeves Cattle. Lev 22:19
Begat, beget To be father of; be ancestor of. Gen 4:18; 17:20
Beggarly Poor; like a beggar; in poverty. Gal 4:9
Behemoth A large, plant-eating dragon or dinosaur. Job 40:15 ff.
Belied Lied against; spoken falsely. Jer 5:12
Beseech To call upon; appeal; beg. Ex 3:18
Besom Broom. Isa 14:23
Besought Asked the favor of; searched for. Gen 42:21
Bestead See "hardly bestead." Isa 8:21
Bestow Give; grant; put; place. Ex 32:29 Store; gather together in one place. Luke 12:17-18
Bethink Come to one's senses, consider. 1 Ki 8:47
Betimes Early; in good time; before it's too late. Gen 26:31
Betwixt Between; passing from one to another Gen 17:11
Bewray To make manifest, clear, evident. Prov 27:16
Billow A great wave or swelling of water. Psa 42:7
Bishoprick Guardianship; office of overseeing. Acts 1:20
Blains Blisters; sores; boils. Ex 9:9-10
Blaze To make known; proclaim. Mark 1:45
Blessed Favored by God; happy; prosperous. Psa 1:1
Bolled Blossomed; in the seed or pod. Ex 9:31
Bolster Pillow; head (or other) support. 1 Sam 19:13
Bondman A slave; an unpaid worker. Gen 44:33
Bosses Bump-like shapes on a shield. Job 15:26
Botch An ulcer, swelling, tumor. Deut 28:27, 35
Bowels Inward parts; affections. Gen 15:4
Brawler One who gets into fights. 1 Tim 3:3; Tit 3:2
Bray a fool Beat, bruise, pound on a fool. Prov 27:22
Bray Groan, wail; make a foul noise. Job 6:5; 30:7
Breach Breaking forth; a break; opening, inlet. Gen 38:29; Lev 24:20; Jdg 5:17
Breeches Trousers. Ex 28:42
Brigandine Armor for a soldier or robber. Jer 46:4; 51:3
Brimstone Sulfur. Gen 19:24
Broided Adorn as with embroidery, to inlay with pearls, gold, etc. 1 Tim 2:9
Broidered Embroidered; adorned with needlework. Ex 28:4
Brood Animal offspring, especially of birds. Luke 13:34
Bruit Report; rumor; sound; noise. Jer 10:22
Brutish Stupid as a beast; slow to understand. Psa 49:10
Buckler Round shield held with a grip. Psa 18:30
Buffet To strike with a clenched fist. Matt 26:67
Bulrush Tall plant near water, such as papyrus. Ex 2:3
Bulwark A defensive structure. Deut 20:20
Bunches of camels Camels' humps. Isa 30:6
By and by At once; immediately; soon. Matt 13:21
Caldron A pot; kettle; cauldron. 1 Sam 2:14
Canker Something that eats away, corrodes; cancer; gangrene; an ulcer-like sore. 2 Tim 2:17
Carbuncle A red precious stone. Ex 28:17
Careful Full of care; full of worry, anxiety. Jer 17:8
Carnal Of the flesh, fleshly; sensual. 1 Cor 3:3
Carriage That which is carried; baggage. Judg 18:21
Casement A window. Prov 7:6
Cast angle To fish with a hook. Isa 19:8
Cast in the teeth Revile or reproach, face to face. Matt 27:44
Caul Membrane; fatty tissue around a bodily organ. Ex 29:13
Cauls Close-fitting caps/nets worn by women. Isa 3:18
Celestial Relating to the sky or heavens. 1 Cor 15:40
Centurion Roman commander of a hundred men. Matt 8:5
Chambering Sexual indulgence; lewdness. Rom 13:13
Chamberlain Eunuch or chief servant; one in charge of the king's quarters. 2 Ki 23:11
Chamois A small sheep-like antelope. Deut 14:5
Champaign A plain; field; flat, open land. Deut 11:30
Chapiter Upper part of a column or pillar. Ex 36:38
Chapmen Tradesmen; merchants. 2 Chr 9:14
Chargeable A burden; an undue weight. 2 Sam 13:25
Charger A large platter or dish. Num 7:13
Charity Godly love in action. 1 Cor 8:1; 13-14
Chaste Pure; clean; not corrupt. 2 Cor 11:2
Check Rebuke; reproof; stop an action. Job 20:3
Chide Quarrel; scold; complain; find fault. Ex 17:2
Choler Anger, wrath. Dan 8:7; 11:11
Churl A rude, harsh person. Isa 32:5, 7
Circumspect (be) Be watchful every way; take heed. Ex 23:13
Clamour Yelling; loud complaining. Eph 4:31
Cleanness of teeth Famine. Amos 4:6
Cleave Split open; cut open; divide. Lev 1:17
Cleave unto Cling to; hold to; stick to. Gen 2:24
Cleft Split hoof; an opening, break or split. Deut 14:6
Clouts Pieces of cloth used to patch. Jer 38:11 f.
Cloven Separated; split; divided up. Deut 14:7
Cockatrice Venomous snake. Isa 11:8
Cockle A weed resembling wheat. Job 31:40
Cogitations Thinking something over. Dan 7:28
Collop A piece of flesh or fold of fat. Job 15:27
Comely Attractive; proper; becoming. 1 Sam 16:18
Communicate (When not referring to speech) share; give; associate with. Gal 6:6
Compass Go around, encircle; encompass. Gen 2:11
Concision Those who believe circumcision makes one righteous or saves. Phil 3:2
Concord Agreement; unison. 2 Cor 6:15
Concupiscence Strong lust; passion. Rom 7:8
Confectionaries Perfume/ointment makers; perfumers. 1 Sam 8:13
Consecrate Treat as set apart or separate unto God. Ex 28:3
Constrain Compel with irresistible force. 2 Ki 4:8
Consumption Disease that eats the body; destruction. Lev 26:16; Is 10:22
Contemn Despise with mockery; show contempt. Psa 10:13
Contentious Loving to quarrel and angrily debate. Prov 21:19
Convenient Fit; appropriate; proper. Prov 30:8
Conversation Behavior; way of life; community. Psa 37:14
Convince Convict; prove wrong. Job 32:12
Coping Top of a wall, sloped to drain off water. 1 Ki 7:9
Corn Any kind of edible grain. Gen 27:28
Cornet A wind instrument; horn; trumpet. 2 Sam 6:5
Cotes Animal enclosures; stables. 2 Chr 32:28
Coulter Sharp iron blade on the front of a plow, that cuts into the soil. 1 Sam 13:20
Countenance Face; appearance. Gen 4:5; Show favor. Ex 23:3
Countervail Be or make equal; compensate. Est 7:4
Covert A shelter; a hiding place. 1 Sam 25:20
Cracknels Dry, brittle cakes or biscuits. 1 Ki 14:3
Crisping pins Pins heated up to curl hair; curling irons. Isa 3:22
Cruse A pot. 1 Sam 26:11
Cumbered To be overwhelmed with cares. Luke 10:40
Cummin A plant bearing aromatic seeds. Isa 28:25
Curious Skillfully made; detailed. Ex 28:8
Curious arts Divination; sorcery; astrology. Acts 19:19
Dam A mother. Ex 22:30
Daub To cover or plaster. Ex 2:3; Ezek 13:10
Daysman A judge; mediator; "umpire." Job 9:33
Dayspring Sunrise. Job 38:12
Dearth A drought; famine; no harvest. Gen 41:54
Defer Delay; postpone. Gen 34:19
Derision Ridicule; laughing at enemies' threats. Job 30:1
Descry Search out; map out; to describe. Judg 1:23
Despite Contempt; angry hatred. Ezek 25:6
Diadem Royal headband worn by Eastern kings. Job 29:14
Discomfited Defeated in battle; scattered. Ex 17:13
Discover Uncover; reveal; have first sight of. Ex 20:26
Disdain To despise; to reject. 1 Sam 17:42
Dissembled Used deceit; pretended; feigned. Josh 7:11
Dissimulation Hypocrisy; create false appearances. Rom 12:9
Divers Old spelling of "diverse;" unequal. Prov 20:10
Doctor Teacher; instructor; learned person. Luke 2:46
Doleful Mournful cry; sorrowful howl. Isa 13:21
Dragon Huge lizard; dinosaur. Deut 32:33; The Devil; Satan. Rev 12:9
Draught house Public toilet. 2 Ki 10:27
Draught of fish Fish caught by sweeping a net. Luke 5:9
Dregs Grounds at the bottom of a cup. Psa 75:8
Dropsy An illness where a part or all of the body swells with too much water. Luke 14:2
Drove (n.) Flock; a company. Gen 32:16
Duke Head of a family or tribe. Gen 36:15 ff.
Durst He/she dared; was bold enough. Est 7:5
Earing Plowing; tilling the ground. Gen 45:6
Earnest (n.) Down payment. 2 Cor 1:22
Effeminate Acting like a woman; unmanly. 1 Cor. 6:9
Emerods Hemorrhoids; tumors. 1 Sam 5:6
Emulation Trying to equal or be better than others Rom 11:14; (in either a good or bad way). Gal 5:20
Enjoin Command; charge. Est 9:31
Enmity Hatred, being an enemy. Gen 3:15; Lk 23:12
Ensample Example; pattern or model to imitate. 1 Cor 10:11
Ensign Flag or banner, as of an army. Num 2:2
Ensue Pursue; to follow after. 1 Pet 3:11
Environ Surround; compass. Josh 7:9
Ephah About 6/10 bushel; Ex 16:36; a basket holding that amount. Zech 5:6-10
Ephod Linen garment worn by the high priest. Ex 25:7; 28:6 ff.
Epistle Important or formal letter. 1 Thes 5:27
Ere Before; until. Ex 1:19
Eschew Avoid; shun; turn aside from. 1 Pet 3:11
Espied Discovered; spied out; examined. Gen 42:27
Euroclydon Furious, north-easterly wind. Acts 27:14
Even, Eveningtide Evening time. Gen 19:1
Every several Every single; each one separately. 2 Chr 11:12
Exactors Overseers; tribute or tax collectors. Isa 60:17
Exhortation Encouragement; counsel. 1 Cor 14:3
Extol To lift up; to praise; to esteem. Psa 30:1
Eyesalve Medicine for the eyes. Rev. 3:18
Fain Earnestly want to or long to; gladly. Job 27:22
Fairs Something gotten at a fair; wares. Ezek 27:12 ff.
Fan Winnowing fan; a fork-shaped tool to throw grain in the air, to let the wind separate the wheat from the chaff. Isa 30:24
Fast Abstaining from food. Matt 6:16-18
Fatling Fat cattle. 1 Sam 15:9
Fats Vats (always plural: "fats"). Joel 2:24; 3:13
Feign To pretend to be; To disguise. 1 Sam 21:13
Felloe The rim of a wheel, held by spokes. 1 Ki 7:33
Fens Marshes; swamps. Job 40:21
Fetched a compass Went on a circular course. Josh 15:3
Fillet An ornamental band around the top of a pillar; a thin band or strip. Ex 27:10
Firebrand Burning wood; a torch. Judg 15:4
Firkin About 9 gallons (40 liters) of liquid. John 2:6
Firmament Expanse or vault over the earth; sky; the stretched-out heavens. Gen 1:6-8
Fitches A kind of grain used for seasoning. Isa 28:25, 27
Flagon Bottle holding liquid; flask; an amount equal to what a flagon holds. 2 Sam 6:19
Flay Strip the skin off an animal or person. Mic 3:3
Flowers (her) Menstrual flow; a woman's period. Lev 15:24
Flux Bloody flow from the body; dysentery. Acts 28:8
Fold Times (multiply, e.g., "twofold" = x2). Gen 4:15
Forbear Refrain; restrain; refrain from acting. Ex 23:5
Foresaw Saw or knew beforehand. Acts 2:25
Forswear Swear falsely; Commit perjury. Matt 5:33
Forwardness, be forward Being eager; zealous; ready; being inclined to do something. 2 Cor 8:8
Foursquare Squared; four cornered. Ex 27:1
Fray Frighten; make afraid. Deut 28:26
Fret Be grieved; be troubled; be displeased. 1 Sa 1:6
Fretting Eating away; wearing away. Lev 13:51 ff.
Froward Perverse; twisted. Deut 32:20
Fuller Washer and/or bleacher of clothes. Mark 9:3
Furbish Rub, scour or polish until bright. Jer 46:4
Furlong Approximately 1/8 mile (660 feet). Luke 24:13
Gaddest about Go back and forth, to and fro. Jer 2:36
Gainsay Contradict; oppose. Luke 21:15
Gall Something bitter or poisonous. Deut 32:32
Garrison Fortification; military post. 1 Sam 10:5
Gin Noose; snare. Job 18:9
Girdle, Girt Belt, wrapped around. Mark 1:6;2 Ki 1:8
Goad A pointed stick to get animals moving. Judg 3:31
Gospel The Word of God; "joyful message." Matt 4:23
Go to Come; let us begin (exhortation). Gen 11:3
Grave Tomb (noun); engraved (verb); serious, not showy (adj) Gen 35:20; Ex 28:9; 1 Tim 3:8
Graven Carved or engraved idol or image. Ex 20:4
Grisled Spotted; speckled. Gen 31:10
Grove Small group of trees; in pagan use, a place where Ashtaroth was worshiped Gen 21:33; (compare Judg 2:13 with 3:7). Ex 34:13
Guile Deceit; craftiness. Ex 21:14
Habergeon Coat of mail for the neck (and down). Ex 28:32
Haft A handle. Judg 3:22
Hale Drag; force. Luke 12:58
Halt Lame; crippled in the feet. Matt 18:8
Haply Perhaps; maybe. 1 Sam 14:30
Hard by Beside; next to. 1 Ki 21:1
Hardly bestead Badly treated; greatly troubled. Isa 8:21
Harrow Plow; break up clods; cover seed. 2 Sam 12:31
Hart A stag; male deer. Deut 12:15
Haughty Proud; arrogant; lifted up. 2 Sam 22:28
Haunt Where one goes frequently. 1 Sam 23:22
Heady Headstrong; reckless; hasty. 2 Tim 3:4
Heath Small shrub found in open wastelands. Jer 17:6
Heed Pay attention; watch out. Gen 31:24
Helm Rudder and tiller to steer a ship. James 3:4
Henceforth From this time forth; from now on. Gen 4:12
Her hap was to She happened to. Ruth 2:3
Herewith With this. Ezek 16:29
Hewn Cut. Ex 20:25
Hinder end The back side; behind; the rear. 2 Sam 2:23
Hireling A hired laborer; employee. Job 7:1
Hither, hitherto To this place; till this point in time. Gen 15:16
Hoar, hoary White colored; white or gray with age. Ex 16:14;Lev 19:32
Holden Held. 2 Ki 23:22
Holpen Helped. Psa 83:8
Hosen Garments covering legs; trousers. Dan 3:21
Hough Hamstring; cut the tendons of the ham. Josh 11:6, 9
Husbandman Farmer; one who tills the ground. Gen 9:20
Ignominy Contempt; shame; dishonor. Prov 18:3
Immutable Unchangeable (an attribute of God). Heb 6:18
Implacable Cannot be calmed or appeased. Rom 1:31
Implead Sue someone at law. Acts 19:38
Importunity Urgent, continual, persistent asking. Luke 11:8
Impotent Weak; without strength or power. John 5:3
Impudent Shameless; without modesty. Prov 7:13
Impute Charge to one's account; reckon. Lev 7:18
In no wise By no means; assuredly not. Lev 7:24
Incontinent Without self-control; unbridled. 2 Tim 3:3
Inditing Dictating what to write. Psa 45:1
Infidel Unbeliever. 2 Cor 6:15
Inordinate Unrestrained; immoderate. Ezek 23:11
Instant (adj.) Insistent; persistent; importunate. Luke 23:23
Issue What comes forth: children; Gen 48:6; discharge of liquid. Lev 12:7
Jangling Noisy argument; quarreling. 1 Tim 1:6
Joined hard Bordered; was adjacent to. Acts 18:7
Jot The smallest Hebrew letter, yodh. Matt 5:18
Kin, kindred Family. Lev 18:6
Kine Cows; cattle. Gen 32:15
Knop Knob; bud (as of a flower). Ex 25:33
Lade To load; burden. Gen 45:17
Lasciviousness Being lustful, loose or lewd; promoting lustful desires in others. Mark 7:22
Latchet Sandal lace. Isa 5:27
Laver Wash basin. Ex 30:18
Leasing Falsehood; deceit; lying. Psa 4:2
Lees Sediment settled in liquid; the dregs; Jer 48:11;
(See "wine on the lees"). Isa 25:6
Let (was let) Hinder or obstruct. Rom 1:13
Leviathan Big dragon/dinosaur that lives near Job 41:1 ff.; or in the water/sea. Psa 74:14.
Lintel Top of a door frame. Ex 12:22-23
Listed, listeth Choose; be inclined to do. Matt 17:12
Lively OT: Strong; energetic. NT: Living. Ex 1:19;Acts 7:38
Loins Thigh and groin area; often used for the reproductive organs. Gen 35:11
Lot (of a person) Portion; what is received by casting lots. Deut 32:9
Lot (to cast) Pebbles thrown to make decisions. Lev 16:8
Lowring Threatening a storm; gloomy; clouded. Matt 16:3
Lucre Gain in money or goods; profit. 1 Sam 8:3
Lusty Healthy and strong; able of body. Judg 3:29
Mammon Earthly goods; property; riches. Matt 6:24
Mantle Cloak; covering garment. Judg 4:18
Maranatha "Our Lord cometh." 1 Cor 16:22
Marishes Marshes; ponds. Ezek 47:11
Matrix A mother's womb. Ex 13:12
Mattock Hoe or other tool to break up dirt. 1 Sam 13:20
Maul Mallet, heavy hammer or club. Prov 25:18
Maw Animal's stomach. Deut 18:3
Mean man Common; low in rank. Prov 22:29
Meat Grain or food in general (except where the verse refers to flesh). Gen 1:29
Meet Suitable; agreeable; fit; proper. Gen 2:18
Mess Portion of food. Gen 43:34
Mete Measure; deal out. Ex 16:18
Meteyard A rod to measure length; yardstick. Lev 19:35
Milch Milk-giving; milking. Gen 32:15
Mincing Taking short, quick steps. Isa 3:16
Minish Diminish; lessen. Ex 5:19
Ministration Service; ministry. Luke 1:23
Mirth Gladness; rejoicing. Gen 31:27
Mite Coin of very small value; 1/4 Denarius. Mark 12:42
Mitre Turban; ceremonial headdress. Ex 28:4
Mollified Be softened; be appeased. Isa 1:6
Mortify Put to death; remove the life of. Rom 8:13
Mote Speck or splinter; small particle. Matt 7:3-5
Muffler Scarf or veil to cover the face. Isa 3:19
Munition Stronghold; fort. Isa 29:7
Murrain Cattle disease; pestilence; plague. Ex 9:3
Naught Bad; nothing; vain. 2 Ki 2:19; Prov 20:14
Nave Hub; where spokes are inserted. 1 Ki 7:33
Necromancer One who inquires of the dead. Deut 18:11
Neesings Sneezing. Job 41:18
Nephew Descendant; grandson; grandchild. Judg 12:14
Nether Lower. Ex 19:17
Nigh Near, in place or in time. Gen 47:29
Nitre Sodium nitrate, as in gunpowder. Prov 25:20
No little kindness Exceptional kindness. Acts 28:2
Noisome Destructive; hurtful; noxious. Psa 91:3
Not a whit Not the least bit. 2 Cor 11:5
Nought Nothing. Gen 29:15
Obeisance Bowing or kneeling in respect. Gen 37:7
Odd number What is left over; over and above. Num 3:48
Offend Make angry; make one stumble; violate. Gen 20:9
Offscouring What is scoured off; rejected. Lam 3:45
Omnipotent All powerful (an attribute of God). Rev 19:6
Oracle (When referring to a place) the inner sanctuary; "Holy of Holies." 1 Ki 6:5
Ouches Settings for gems; sockets. Ex 28:11
Outgoings Extreme limits; furthest borders. Josh 17:9
Outwent Went before; went faster. Mark 6:33
Overcharged Weighed down; burdened. Luke 21:34
Pangs Extreme, sharp pains, as in childbirth. Isa 13:8
Paps Breasts. Ezek 23:21
Paramour Male or female lover. Ezek 23:20
Parbar Structure on the west side of Solomon's temple. 1 Chr 26:18
Pate Forehead; crown of the head. Psa 7:16
Patrimony Something inherited; an estate. Deut 18:8
Peculiar Particular; special; one's own. Ex 19:5
Peeled Smooth; bare; bald. Isa 18:2
Penury Poverty. Prov 14:23
Peradventure Perhaps. Gen 18:24
Perdition Complete loss; eternal damnation. John 17:12
Pernicious Destructive, something that can injure. 2 Pet 2:2
Phylacteries Scripture box attached to left arm or forehead by a leather strap. Matt 23:5
Pilled Pealed; stripped off skin or bark. Gen 30:37-38
Pitch A thick, dark, sticky substance. Gen 6:14
Plaiting Braiding; gathering hair into knots. 1 Pet 3:3
Platted Braided; intertwined. Matt 27:29
Polled his head Cut hair from his head. 2 Sam 14:26
Pommels Bowl-shaped top of a pillar. 2 Chr 4:12-13
Post (person) Runner; courier. 2 Chr 30:6
Potsherd Piece of broken pottery. Job 2:8
Prating Babbling; chattering. Prov 10:8, 10
Presbytery Assembly of elders. 1 Tim 4:14
Prevent Come before, go before; anticipate. 2 Sam 22:6
Pricks OT: Thorns. Num 33:55 NT: Cattle prods or goads. Acts 9:5
Principalities Rulers or their territory. Jer 13:18
Privily In private; secretly. Judg 9:31
Privy (be) Privately knowing; knowing a secret. 1 Ki 2:44
Profane Treat as common; defile. Lev 18:21
Profound (be) Go deep into something. Hos 5:2
Prognosticators Foretellers of the future. Isa 47:13
Proper One's own; peculiar; particular. 1 Chr 29:3
Propitiation Sacrifice to pay for sins against God, to satisfy His righteous anger. Rom 3:25
Proselyte Convert. Matt 23:15
Provender Food for livestock or cattle. Gen 24:25
Psalm Sacred song about or to God. 1 Chr 16:7
Psaltery Stringed instrument, as a harp or guitar. 1 Sam 10:5
Publican Tax collector. Luke 5:27
Pulse Peas, beans; legumes. 2 Sam 17:28
Purloining Stealing; pilfering. Titus 2:10
Purtenance Inward parts; entrails. Ex 12:9
Putrifying Pertaining to gangrene; decaying. Isa 1:6
Quaternion Guard of four soldiers. Acts 12:4
Quick Alive; living. Lev 13:10
Quit Acquitted; found not guilty. Ex 21:19
Quit you like men Behave/act as a man should. 1 Sam 4:9; 1 Cor 16:13
Raiment Clothing; garments. Gen 24:53
Rampart Fortification; defensive structure. Lam 2:8
Rank (adj.) Full-grown; strong and robust. Gen 41:5, 7
Ravening Preying upon to devour. Psa 22:13
Ravin (noun) Torn flesh; food gotten by violence. Nah 2:12
Ravin (verb) Violently catch food or devour it. Gen 49:27
Ravished Raped (negative use); Isa 13:16; delighted (positive use). Pro 5:19
Rebuke Reprimand; strongly warn; restrain. Gen 31:42
Recompence Punishment for evil, reward. Dt 32:35; Pro 12:14
Redound Produce a result; to return. 2 Cor 4:15
Reel Stagger, walk to and fro like a drunkard. Ps 107:27; Is 24:20
Reins Literally, kidneys. Job 16:13; Figuratively, seat of emotion. Psa 7:9
Remission Forgiveness; pardon. Matt 26:28
Rend Tear apart; forcefully rip apart. Ex 39:23
Renown Great reputation; being well-known. Gen 6:4
Reproach Disgrace; shame. Gen 30:23
Reprobate Rejected; failing the test; lost in sin. Jer 6:30
Reproof Rebuke; scolding. Job 26:11
Requite Repay. Gen 50:15
Rereward Towards the rear; rear guard. Isa 52:12
Residue Part that remains, the rest. Ex 10:5
Rie Old spelling of "rye"; a grain. Isa 28:25
Ringstraked Striped, streaked. Gen 30:35 ff.
Road Old spelling of "raid". 1 Sam 27:10
Ruddy Reddish (hair or complexion). 1 Sam 16:12
Rude Unskilled, unrefined or unlearned. 2 Cor 11:6
Rue An evergreen plant used for medicine. Luke 11:42
Sabbath Rest; cessation from work. Ex 16:23
Sackbut Triangular, 4-stringed instrument, like a lyre. Dan 3:5, 7, 10, 15
Sacrilege Violate or steal sacred things. Rom 2:22
Salutation Greeting. Mark 12:38
Sanctify Make holy; set apart for God's use. Gen 2:3
Satan The Adversary of humans; the devil; the leader of the fallen angels. Matt 16:23
Satyr He-goat. Isa 13:21; 34:14
Savour Smell; taste; odor. Gen 8:21
Savourest You (singular) like; delight in; favor. Matt 16:23
Scall Scaly skin eruption. Lev 13:30-37
Score Multiply the number times 20 (e.g., "fourscore" =80). Gen 16:16
Scourge Whip; flog. Lev 19:20
Seemly Fitting; proper; becoming. Prov 19:10; 26:1
Seethe Boil; be very hot. Ex 16:23
Selvedge Fabric edge to prevent unraveling. Ex 26:4
Sepulchre Place of burial; grave; tomb. Gen 23:6
Servitor Attendant; one performing as a servant. 2 Ki 4:43
Set at nought Despise; disregard. Prov 1:25
Shambles Meat market; marketplace. 1 Cor. 10:25
Sheaf Bundle of grain. Gen 37:7
Sheepcote Sheep dwelling; stable. (See "cote") 1 Sam 24:3
Sherd See "potsherd." Isa 30:14
Sheriff Knowledgeable, legal official. Dan 3:2-3
Shew Old spelling of "show." Gen 12:1
Signet Seal or stamp, indicating the owner. Gen 38:18
Single Clear; pure; uncorrupted; healthy. Matt 6:22
Sith Old spelling of "since." Ezek 35:6
Slack Slow or negligent. Deut 7:10
Sleight Trickery; entrapment by deceit. Eph 4:14
Slow bellies Idle gluttons. Titus 1:12
Sod, sodden Cooked; boiled. Gen 25:29
Soothsayer One who foretells the future by ungodly means. Josh 13:22
Sop A morsel of bread to be dipped. John 13:26 f.
Sottish Foolish; dull with drink; sluggish. Jer 4:22
Spite Anger toward someone; grief. Psa 10:14
Spoil Booty; plunder; prey. Gen 49:27
Stanched Stopped flowing. Luke 8:44
Standard Flag; banner. Num 1:52
Staves Rods; clubs. Ex 25:13
Stay him, My stay Support; uphold. Prov 28:17 What one relies on. 2 Sam 22:19
Stayed Detained; held. Luke 4:42
Stomacher Ornamental covering, over the chest and/or stomach, for females. Isa 3:24
Straightway Right away; immediately. 1 Sam 9:13
Strait (adj.) Narrow; close together. 2 Ki 6:1; Matt 7:13
Strait (in a) Be in distress; be in a narrow place. 1 Sam 13:6
Straitened Impeded or restricted; narrowed. Job 18:7; Ezek 42:6 Distressed. Luke 12:50
Strake Old spelling of "struck." Acts 27:17
Strowed, strawed Scattered; spread. Matt 21:8
Succour Help; aid. Hebrew 2:18
Suffered not Did not allow. Gen 20:6
Sup Dine; eat. Luke 17:8
Sup up Gather together; accumulate, assemble. Hab 1:9
Superfluous More than necessary or wanted. Lev 21:18
Suppliants Worshippers. Zeph 3:10
Surfeiting Excess food or drink; overindulgence. Luke 21:34
Swaddling clothes Cloths for wrapping infants tightly. Luke 2:7, 12
Tablets Small, flat ornaments or jewelry. Ex 35:22
Taches Hooks; fasteners. Ex 26:6
Tale A number; something counted. Ex 5:8 Information given; a story. Psa 90:9
Talent Weight of money; weight; gift. Ex 25:39
Target Small shield; a buckler. 1 Sam 17:6
Tell To count; number. Gen 15:5
Tempered Mixed; combined. Ex 29:2
Temperance Self-control; moderation. Gal 5:23
Tempest Storm; violent wind; whirlwind. Job 9:17
Terrestrial Relating to the earth; earthly. 1 Cor 15:40
Testament A will, ratified after death; a covenant. Heb 9:16-18
Thitherward Toward it; in that direction. Jer 50:5
Thrice Three times. Ex 34:23
Tired Attired; put something around the head. 2 Ki 9:30
Tithe The tenth part; 1/10. Lev 27:30
Told out Counted out; numbered; tallied. 2 Chr 2:2
Tow Weaver's fiber or the yarn made from it. Judg 16:9
Traffick Trade; do business. Gen 42:34
Translate Transfer; remove to another place. 2 Sam 3:10
Trodden Walked on; trampled. Deut 1:36
Trode Stepped on; walked on. Judg 9:27
Trow To think; to believe; to trust. Luke 17:9
Twain Two. 1 Sam 18:21
Unction An anointing. 1 John 2:20
Unseemly Inappropriate. Rom 1:27
Untoward Perverse; not easily taught or guided. Acts 2:40
Usury Interest paid for using money. Ex 22:25
Utter court Outer court. Ezek 40:31
Utter gate Outer gate. Ezek 47:2
Valour Courage; personal bravery. Josh 1:14
Variance Disagreement; discord; dissension. Matt 10:35
Vaunt oneself Boast; brag about oneself. Judg 7:2
Vehement Violent; forceful; furious. Song of Sol 8:6
Verily Truly. Gen 42:21
Verity Truth. Psa 111:7
Vestments Official or ecclesiastical robes. 2 Ki 10:22
Vesture Garment; clothing. Deut 22:12
Vial Small bottle; something holding liquid. 1 Sam 10:1
Victuals Food for humans. Gen 14:11
Villany Extreme wickedness. Isa 32:6
Visage Appearance; face; look of a person. Isa 52:14
Vocation What God calls, gifts a person to do. Eph 4:1
Want Lack; be deficient. Deut 28:48
Wanton Without restraint; reckless. Isa 3:16
Ward In custody, with a guard; prison. Gen 40:3
Wast You (one person) were. Gen 3:11
Wax Grow; become; advance. Ex 22:24
Wen A wart; a tumor; a swelling. Lev 22:22
Wert (If) you (one person) were. Job 8:6
Whelp A cub; a young one. Gen 49:9
Whether is? Which of the two? Judg 9:2
Wimples Curled hair; veils crimped. Isa 3:22
Winefat Wine vat. Isa 63:2
Wine on the lees Fully fermented wine. Isa 25:6
Wist, wot Knew; thought; supposed. Ex 16:15
Withs Twigs twisted to make a band, rope. Judg 16:7-9
Wont Used to; in the habit of. Ex 21:29
Abase Make or bring low; to humble. Job 40:11
Abated Reduced in intensity or amount. Gen 8:3
Abhor Despise; spurn; regard with horror. Ex 5:21
Abjects People thrown out; outcasts. Psa 35:15
Abode To have stayed; remained; a dwelling. Gen 29:14
Acceptation Acceptance; approval. 1 Tim 1:15; 4:9
Acquit Judged not guilty. Job 10:14
Adamant Rock or very hard mineral. Ezek 3:9
Adjure To command, under oath or threat. Josh 6:26
Admonish To instruct; advise; warn. Eccl 4:13
Ado Fuss; bother; tumult. Mark 5:39
Advertise To advise; warn; inform; reveal. Num 24:14
Advisement Counsel; consideration 1 Chr 12:19
Affinity Become a son-in-law; an in-law. 1 Ki 3:1
Affording Providing; yielding (as of crops). Psa 144:13
Affright To frighten. Deut 7:21
Afoot On foot. Mark 6:33
Afore Before. 2 Ki 20:4
Afresh Again; anew. Heb 6:6
Agone Ago. 1 Sam 30:13
Ague A fever. Lev 26:16
Alamoth Treble instruments; woman singers; music played in treble (high notes). 1 Chr 15:20
Albeit "Although it be that," shortened. Ezek 13:7
All to To do entirely; do wholly. Judg 9:53
Alleluia "Praise ye the LORD!" Rev 19:1
Allow To approve; commend; accept. Luke 11:48
Alms Giving to the poor to help them. Matt 6:1 ff.
Aloof At a distance, but within view. Psa 38:11
Ambassage Ambassador(s); a message. Luke 14:32
Ambushment Attack by surprise; ambush. 2 Chr 13:13
Amen True; "so be it;" faithful; certain. Num 5:22
Amerce To punish by imposing a fine. Deut 22:19
Amiable Dear; lovely; beloved. Psa 84:1
Amiss Wrong; incorrect. 2 Chr 6:37
Anathema To be damned by God. 1 Cor 16:22
Angle Fishhook. Isa 19:8
Anise Plant of the parsley family. Matt 23:23
Anon Immediately; right away. Matt 13:20
Apace At a quick pace; quickly. 2 Sam 18:25
Apothecary One who makes perfumes. Ex 30:25
Apparel Clothing. Judg 17:10
Appertain To belong to; to pertain to. Lev 6:5
Archangel Head or chief angel. 1 Thes 4:16
Ariel "Lion of God," name for Jerusalem. Isa 29:1-2, 7
Aright In the right way. Psa 50:23
Ark The ship Noah built; box; chest; Gen 6:14; the basket boat of baby Moses. Ex 2:3
Armholes Holes for your arms; sleeves. Jer 38:12
Array To put on; to clothe. Gen 41:42
Art You (one person) are. Gen 3:9
Artificer Artisan; craftsman. Gen 4:22
Artillery War equipment; weapons. 1 Sam 20:40
Asp Snake; serpent. Deut 32:33
Assayed Attempted; tested; analyzed. Deut 4:34
Assent Accord; agreement. 2 Chr 18:12
Asswage Lessen; relieve; satisfy; sweeten. Gen 8:1
Astonied Be taken by surprise. Ezra 9:3-4
Atonement A person or animal taking another's place, to cover sins. Ex 29:33
Attent Attentive; observant. 2 Chr 6:40
Augment Increase; make bigger. Num 32:14
Austere Severe; strict; harsh; solemn. Luke 19:21-22
Averse Disliking; turned from. Mic 2:8
Avouched Affirmed; admitted; vouched for. Deut 26:17-18
Away with OT: To tolerate; bear; endure. Isa 1:13; NT:"Take away!" Luke 23:18
Axletree Spindle/shaft on which a wheel rotates. 1 Ki 7:32-33.
Backbiting Evil speaking; slandering. Psa 15:3
Balm A medicine; rosin from a bush. Gen 37:25
Banquetings Drinking, gluttony; rich partying. 1 Pet 4:3
Baptize Immerse; dip a thing. Matt 3:6
Barbarous Foreign. Acts 28:2
Barked Scraped the bark off. Joel 1:7
Base (to be) Low; lowly; humble. 2 Sam 6:22
Battlement Low wall around a roof. Deut 22:8 Wall for defense. Jer 5:10
Became him Was fitting for; was exactly suited for. Heb 2:10; 7:26
Beeves Cattle. Lev 22:19
Begat, beget To be father of; be ancestor of. Gen 4:18; 17:20
Beggarly Poor; like a beggar; in poverty. Gal 4:9
Behemoth A large, plant-eating dragon or dinosaur. Job 40:15 ff.
Belied Lied against; spoken falsely. Jer 5:12
Beseech To call upon; appeal; beg. Ex 3:18
Besom Broom. Isa 14:23
Besought Asked the favor of; searched for. Gen 42:21
Bestead See "hardly bestead." Isa 8:21
Bestow Give; grant; put; place. Ex 32:29 Store; gather together in one place. Luke 12:17-18
Bethink Come to one's senses, consider. 1 Ki 8:47
Betimes Early; in good time; before it's too late. Gen 26:31
Betwixt Between; passing from one to another Gen 17:11
Bewray To make manifest, clear, evident. Prov 27:16
Billow A great wave or swelling of water. Psa 42:7
Bishoprick Guardianship; office of overseeing. Acts 1:20
Blains Blisters; sores; boils. Ex 9:9-10
Blaze To make known; proclaim. Mark 1:45
Blessed Favored by God; happy; prosperous. Psa 1:1
Bolled Blossomed; in the seed or pod. Ex 9:31
Bolster Pillow; head (or other) support. 1 Sam 19:13
Bondman A slave; an unpaid worker. Gen 44:33
Bosses Bump-like shapes on a shield. Job 15:26
Botch An ulcer, swelling, tumor. Deut 28:27, 35
Bowels Inward parts; affections. Gen 15:4
Brawler One who gets into fights. 1 Tim 3:3; Tit 3:2
Bray a fool Beat, bruise, pound on a fool. Prov 27:22
Bray Groan, wail; make a foul noise. Job 6:5; 30:7
Breach Breaking forth; a break; opening, inlet. Gen 38:29; Lev 24:20; Jdg 5:17
Breeches Trousers. Ex 28:42
Brigandine Armor for a soldier or robber. Jer 46:4; 51:3
Brimstone Sulfur. Gen 19:24
Broided Adorn as with embroidery, to inlay with pearls, gold, etc. 1 Tim 2:9
Broidered Embroidered; adorned with needlework. Ex 28:4
Brood Animal offspring, especially of birds. Luke 13:34
Bruit Report; rumor; sound; noise. Jer 10:22
Brutish Stupid as a beast; slow to understand. Psa 49:10
Buckler Round shield held with a grip. Psa 18:30
Buffet To strike with a clenched fist. Matt 26:67
Bulrush Tall plant near water, such as papyrus. Ex 2:3
Bulwark A defensive structure. Deut 20:20
Bunches of camels Camels' humps. Isa 30:6
By and by At once; immediately; soon. Matt 13:21
Caldron A pot; kettle; cauldron. 1 Sam 2:14
Canker Something that eats away, corrodes; cancer; gangrene; an ulcer-like sore. 2 Tim 2:17
Carbuncle A red precious stone. Ex 28:17
Careful Full of care; full of worry, anxiety. Jer 17:8
Carnal Of the flesh, fleshly; sensual. 1 Cor 3:3
Carriage That which is carried; baggage. Judg 18:21
Casement A window. Prov 7:6
Cast angle To fish with a hook. Isa 19:8
Cast in the teeth Revile or reproach, face to face. Matt 27:44
Caul Membrane; fatty tissue around a bodily organ. Ex 29:13
Cauls Close-fitting caps/nets worn by women. Isa 3:18
Celestial Relating to the sky or heavens. 1 Cor 15:40
Centurion Roman commander of a hundred men. Matt 8:5
Chambering Sexual indulgence; lewdness. Rom 13:13
Chamberlain Eunuch or chief servant; one in charge of the king's quarters. 2 Ki 23:11
Chamois A small sheep-like antelope. Deut 14:5
Champaign A plain; field; flat, open land. Deut 11:30
Chapiter Upper part of a column or pillar. Ex 36:38
Chapmen Tradesmen; merchants. 2 Chr 9:14
Chargeable A burden; an undue weight. 2 Sam 13:25
Charger A large platter or dish. Num 7:13
Charity Godly love in action. 1 Cor 8:1; 13-14
Chaste Pure; clean; not corrupt. 2 Cor 11:2
Check Rebuke; reproof; stop an action. Job 20:3
Chide Quarrel; scold; complain; find fault. Ex 17:2
Choler Anger, wrath. Dan 8:7; 11:11
Churl A rude, harsh person. Isa 32:5, 7
Circumspect (be) Be watchful every way; take heed. Ex 23:13
Clamour Yelling; loud complaining. Eph 4:31
Cleanness of teeth Famine. Amos 4:6
Cleave Split open; cut open; divide. Lev 1:17
Cleave unto Cling to; hold to; stick to. Gen 2:24
Cleft Split hoof; an opening, break or split. Deut 14:6
Clouts Pieces of cloth used to patch. Jer 38:11 f.
Cloven Separated; split; divided up. Deut 14:7
Cockatrice Venomous snake. Isa 11:8
Cockle A weed resembling wheat. Job 31:40
Cogitations Thinking something over. Dan 7:28
Collop A piece of flesh or fold of fat. Job 15:27
Comely Attractive; proper; becoming. 1 Sam 16:18
Communicate (When not referring to speech) share; give; associate with. Gal 6:6
Compass Go around, encircle; encompass. Gen 2:11
Concision Those who believe circumcision makes one righteous or saves. Phil 3:2
Concord Agreement; unison. 2 Cor 6:15
Concupiscence Strong lust; passion. Rom 7:8
Confectionaries Perfume/ointment makers; perfumers. 1 Sam 8:13
Consecrate Treat as set apart or separate unto God. Ex 28:3
Constrain Compel with irresistible force. 2 Ki 4:8
Consumption Disease that eats the body; destruction. Lev 26:16; Is 10:22
Contemn Despise with mockery; show contempt. Psa 10:13
Contentious Loving to quarrel and angrily debate. Prov 21:19
Convenient Fit; appropriate; proper. Prov 30:8
Conversation Behavior; way of life; community. Psa 37:14
Convince Convict; prove wrong. Job 32:12
Coping Top of a wall, sloped to drain off water. 1 Ki 7:9
Corn Any kind of edible grain. Gen 27:28
Cornet A wind instrument; horn; trumpet. 2 Sam 6:5
Cotes Animal enclosures; stables. 2 Chr 32:28
Coulter Sharp iron blade on the front of a plow, that cuts into the soil. 1 Sam 13:20
Countenance Face; appearance. Gen 4:5; Show favor. Ex 23:3
Countervail Be or make equal; compensate. Est 7:4
Covert A shelter; a hiding place. 1 Sam 25:20
Cracknels Dry, brittle cakes or biscuits. 1 Ki 14:3
Crisping pins Pins heated up to curl hair; curling irons. Isa 3:22
Cruse A pot. 1 Sam 26:11
Cumbered To be overwhelmed with cares. Luke 10:40
Cummin A plant bearing aromatic seeds. Isa 28:25
Curious Skillfully made; detailed. Ex 28:8
Curious arts Divination; sorcery; astrology. Acts 19:19
Dam A mother. Ex 22:30
Daub To cover or plaster. Ex 2:3; Ezek 13:10
Daysman A judge; mediator; "umpire." Job 9:33
Dayspring Sunrise. Job 38:12
Dearth A drought; famine; no harvest. Gen 41:54
Defer Delay; postpone. Gen 34:19
Derision Ridicule; laughing at enemies' threats. Job 30:1
Descry Search out; map out; to describe. Judg 1:23
Despite Contempt; angry hatred. Ezek 25:6
Diadem Royal headband worn by Eastern kings. Job 29:14
Discomfited Defeated in battle; scattered. Ex 17:13
Discover Uncover; reveal; have first sight of. Ex 20:26
Disdain To despise; to reject. 1 Sam 17:42
Dissembled Used deceit; pretended; feigned. Josh 7:11
Dissimulation Hypocrisy; create false appearances. Rom 12:9
Divers Old spelling of "diverse;" unequal. Prov 20:10
Doctor Teacher; instructor; learned person. Luke 2:46
Doleful Mournful cry; sorrowful howl. Isa 13:21
Dragon Huge lizard; dinosaur. Deut 32:33; The Devil; Satan. Rev 12:9
Draught house Public toilet. 2 Ki 10:27
Draught of fish Fish caught by sweeping a net. Luke 5:9
Dregs Grounds at the bottom of a cup. Psa 75:8
Dropsy An illness where a part or all of the body swells with too much water. Luke 14:2
Drove (n.) Flock; a company. Gen 32:16
Duke Head of a family or tribe. Gen 36:15 ff.
Durst He/she dared; was bold enough. Est 7:5
Earing Plowing; tilling the ground. Gen 45:6
Earnest (n.) Down payment. 2 Cor 1:22
Effeminate Acting like a woman; unmanly. 1 Cor. 6:9
Emerods Hemorrhoids; tumors. 1 Sam 5:6
Emulation Trying to equal or be better than others Rom 11:14; (in either a good or bad way). Gal 5:20
Enjoin Command; charge. Est 9:31
Enmity Hatred, being an enemy. Gen 3:15; Lk 23:12
Ensample Example; pattern or model to imitate. 1 Cor 10:11
Ensign Flag or banner, as of an army. Num 2:2
Ensue Pursue; to follow after. 1 Pet 3:11
Environ Surround; compass. Josh 7:9
Ephah About 6/10 bushel; Ex 16:36; a basket holding that amount. Zech 5:6-10
Ephod Linen garment worn by the high priest. Ex 25:7; 28:6 ff.
Epistle Important or formal letter. 1 Thes 5:27
Ere Before; until. Ex 1:19
Eschew Avoid; shun; turn aside from. 1 Pet 3:11
Espied Discovered; spied out; examined. Gen 42:27
Euroclydon Furious, north-easterly wind. Acts 27:14
Even, Eveningtide Evening time. Gen 19:1
Every several Every single; each one separately. 2 Chr 11:12
Exactors Overseers; tribute or tax collectors. Isa 60:17
Exhortation Encouragement; counsel. 1 Cor 14:3
Extol To lift up; to praise; to esteem. Psa 30:1
Eyesalve Medicine for the eyes. Rev. 3:18
Fain Earnestly want to or long to; gladly. Job 27:22
Fairs Something gotten at a fair; wares. Ezek 27:12 ff.
Fan Winnowing fan; a fork-shaped tool to throw grain in the air, to let the wind separate the wheat from the chaff. Isa 30:24
Fast Abstaining from food. Matt 6:16-18
Fatling Fat cattle. 1 Sam 15:9
Fats Vats (always plural: "fats"). Joel 2:24; 3:13
Feign To pretend to be; To disguise. 1 Sam 21:13
Felloe The rim of a wheel, held by spokes. 1 Ki 7:33
Fens Marshes; swamps. Job 40:21
Fetched a compass Went on a circular course. Josh 15:3
Fillet An ornamental band around the top of a pillar; a thin band or strip. Ex 27:10
Firebrand Burning wood; a torch. Judg 15:4
Firkin About 9 gallons (40 liters) of liquid. John 2:6
Firmament Expanse or vault over the earth; sky; the stretched-out heavens. Gen 1:6-8
Fitches A kind of grain used for seasoning. Isa 28:25, 27
Flagon Bottle holding liquid; flask; an amount equal to what a flagon holds. 2 Sam 6:19
Flay Strip the skin off an animal or person. Mic 3:3
Flowers (her) Menstrual flow; a woman's period. Lev 15:24
Flux Bloody flow from the body; dysentery. Acts 28:8
Fold Times (multiply, e.g., "twofold" = x2). Gen 4:15
Forbear Refrain; restrain; refrain from acting. Ex 23:5
Foresaw Saw or knew beforehand. Acts 2:25
Forswear Swear falsely; Commit perjury. Matt 5:33
Forwardness, be forward Being eager; zealous; ready; being inclined to do something. 2 Cor 8:8
Foursquare Squared; four cornered. Ex 27:1
Fray Frighten; make afraid. Deut 28:26
Fret Be grieved; be troubled; be displeased. 1 Sa 1:6
Fretting Eating away; wearing away. Lev 13:51 ff.
Froward Perverse; twisted. Deut 32:20
Fuller Washer and/or bleacher of clothes. Mark 9:3
Furbish Rub, scour or polish until bright. Jer 46:4
Furlong Approximately 1/8 mile (660 feet). Luke 24:13
Gaddest about Go back and forth, to and fro. Jer 2:36
Gainsay Contradict; oppose. Luke 21:15
Gall Something bitter or poisonous. Deut 32:32
Garrison Fortification; military post. 1 Sam 10:5
Gin Noose; snare. Job 18:9
Girdle, Girt Belt, wrapped around. Mark 1:6;2 Ki 1:8
Goad A pointed stick to get animals moving. Judg 3:31
Gospel The Word of God; "joyful message." Matt 4:23
Go to Come; let us begin (exhortation). Gen 11:3
Grave Tomb (noun); engraved (verb); serious, not showy (adj) Gen 35:20; Ex 28:9; 1 Tim 3:8
Graven Carved or engraved idol or image. Ex 20:4
Grisled Spotted; speckled. Gen 31:10
Grove Small group of trees; in pagan use, a place where Ashtaroth was worshiped Gen 21:33; (compare Judg 2:13 with 3:7). Ex 34:13
Guile Deceit; craftiness. Ex 21:14
Habergeon Coat of mail for the neck (and down). Ex 28:32
Haft A handle. Judg 3:22
Hale Drag; force. Luke 12:58
Halt Lame; crippled in the feet. Matt 18:8
Haply Perhaps; maybe. 1 Sam 14:30
Hard by Beside; next to. 1 Ki 21:1
Hardly bestead Badly treated; greatly troubled. Isa 8:21
Harrow Plow; break up clods; cover seed. 2 Sam 12:31
Hart A stag; male deer. Deut 12:15
Haughty Proud; arrogant; lifted up. 2 Sam 22:28
Haunt Where one goes frequently. 1 Sam 23:22
Heady Headstrong; reckless; hasty. 2 Tim 3:4
Heath Small shrub found in open wastelands. Jer 17:6
Heed Pay attention; watch out. Gen 31:24
Helm Rudder and tiller to steer a ship. James 3:4
Henceforth From this time forth; from now on. Gen 4:12
Her hap was to She happened to. Ruth 2:3
Herewith With this. Ezek 16:29
Hewn Cut. Ex 20:25
Hinder end The back side; behind; the rear. 2 Sam 2:23
Hireling A hired laborer; employee. Job 7:1
Hither, hitherto To this place; till this point in time. Gen 15:16
Hoar, hoary White colored; white or gray with age. Ex 16:14;Lev 19:32
Holden Held. 2 Ki 23:22
Holpen Helped. Psa 83:8
Hosen Garments covering legs; trousers. Dan 3:21
Hough Hamstring; cut the tendons of the ham. Josh 11:6, 9
Husbandman Farmer; one who tills the ground. Gen 9:20
Ignominy Contempt; shame; dishonor. Prov 18:3
Immutable Unchangeable (an attribute of God). Heb 6:18
Implacable Cannot be calmed or appeased. Rom 1:31
Implead Sue someone at law. Acts 19:38
Importunity Urgent, continual, persistent asking. Luke 11:8
Impotent Weak; without strength or power. John 5:3
Impudent Shameless; without modesty. Prov 7:13
Impute Charge to one's account; reckon. Lev 7:18
In no wise By no means; assuredly not. Lev 7:24
Incontinent Without self-control; unbridled. 2 Tim 3:3
Inditing Dictating what to write. Psa 45:1
Infidel Unbeliever. 2 Cor 6:15
Inordinate Unrestrained; immoderate. Ezek 23:11
Instant (adj.) Insistent; persistent; importunate. Luke 23:23
Issue What comes forth: children; Gen 48:6; discharge of liquid. Lev 12:7
Jangling Noisy argument; quarreling. 1 Tim 1:6
Joined hard Bordered; was adjacent to. Acts 18:7
Jot The smallest Hebrew letter, yodh. Matt 5:18
Kin, kindred Family. Lev 18:6
Kine Cows; cattle. Gen 32:15
Knop Knob; bud (as of a flower). Ex 25:33
Lade To load; burden. Gen 45:17
Lasciviousness Being lustful, loose or lewd; promoting lustful desires in others. Mark 7:22
Latchet Sandal lace. Isa 5:27
Laver Wash basin. Ex 30:18
Leasing Falsehood; deceit; lying. Psa 4:2
Lees Sediment settled in liquid; the dregs; Jer 48:11;
(See "wine on the lees"). Isa 25:6
Let (was let) Hinder or obstruct. Rom 1:13
Leviathan Big dragon/dinosaur that lives near Job 41:1 ff.; or in the water/sea. Psa 74:14.
Lintel Top of a door frame. Ex 12:22-23
Listed, listeth Choose; be inclined to do. Matt 17:12
Lively OT: Strong; energetic. NT: Living. Ex 1:19;Acts 7:38
Loins Thigh and groin area; often used for the reproductive organs. Gen 35:11
Lot (of a person) Portion; what is received by casting lots. Deut 32:9
Lot (to cast) Pebbles thrown to make decisions. Lev 16:8
Lowring Threatening a storm; gloomy; clouded. Matt 16:3
Lucre Gain in money or goods; profit. 1 Sam 8:3
Lusty Healthy and strong; able of body. Judg 3:29
Mammon Earthly goods; property; riches. Matt 6:24
Mantle Cloak; covering garment. Judg 4:18
Maranatha "Our Lord cometh." 1 Cor 16:22
Marishes Marshes; ponds. Ezek 47:11
Matrix A mother's womb. Ex 13:12
Mattock Hoe or other tool to break up dirt. 1 Sam 13:20
Maul Mallet, heavy hammer or club. Prov 25:18
Maw Animal's stomach. Deut 18:3
Mean man Common; low in rank. Prov 22:29
Meat Grain or food in general (except where the verse refers to flesh). Gen 1:29
Meet Suitable; agreeable; fit; proper. Gen 2:18
Mess Portion of food. Gen 43:34
Mete Measure; deal out. Ex 16:18
Meteyard A rod to measure length; yardstick. Lev 19:35
Milch Milk-giving; milking. Gen 32:15
Mincing Taking short, quick steps. Isa 3:16
Minish Diminish; lessen. Ex 5:19
Ministration Service; ministry. Luke 1:23
Mirth Gladness; rejoicing. Gen 31:27
Mite Coin of very small value; 1/4 Denarius. Mark 12:42
Mitre Turban; ceremonial headdress. Ex 28:4
Mollified Be softened; be appeased. Isa 1:6
Mortify Put to death; remove the life of. Rom 8:13
Mote Speck or splinter; small particle. Matt 7:3-5
Muffler Scarf or veil to cover the face. Isa 3:19
Munition Stronghold; fort. Isa 29:7
Murrain Cattle disease; pestilence; plague. Ex 9:3
Naught Bad; nothing; vain. 2 Ki 2:19; Prov 20:14
Nave Hub; where spokes are inserted. 1 Ki 7:33
Necromancer One who inquires of the dead. Deut 18:11
Neesings Sneezing. Job 41:18
Nephew Descendant; grandson; grandchild. Judg 12:14
Nether Lower. Ex 19:17
Nigh Near, in place or in time. Gen 47:29
Nitre Sodium nitrate, as in gunpowder. Prov 25:20
No little kindness Exceptional kindness. Acts 28:2
Noisome Destructive; hurtful; noxious. Psa 91:3
Not a whit Not the least bit. 2 Cor 11:5
Nought Nothing. Gen 29:15
Obeisance Bowing or kneeling in respect. Gen 37:7
Odd number What is left over; over and above. Num 3:48
Offend Make angry; make one stumble; violate. Gen 20:9
Offscouring What is scoured off; rejected. Lam 3:45
Omnipotent All powerful (an attribute of God). Rev 19:6
Oracle (When referring to a place) the inner sanctuary; "Holy of Holies." 1 Ki 6:5
Ouches Settings for gems; sockets. Ex 28:11
Outgoings Extreme limits; furthest borders. Josh 17:9
Outwent Went before; went faster. Mark 6:33
Overcharged Weighed down; burdened. Luke 21:34
Pangs Extreme, sharp pains, as in childbirth. Isa 13:8
Paps Breasts. Ezek 23:21
Paramour Male or female lover. Ezek 23:20
Parbar Structure on the west side of Solomon's temple. 1 Chr 26:18
Pate Forehead; crown of the head. Psa 7:16
Patrimony Something inherited; an estate. Deut 18:8
Peculiar Particular; special; one's own. Ex 19:5
Peeled Smooth; bare; bald. Isa 18:2
Penury Poverty. Prov 14:23
Peradventure Perhaps. Gen 18:24
Perdition Complete loss; eternal damnation. John 17:12
Pernicious Destructive, something that can injure. 2 Pet 2:2
Phylacteries Scripture box attached to left arm or forehead by a leather strap. Matt 23:5
Pilled Pealed; stripped off skin or bark. Gen 30:37-38
Pitch A thick, dark, sticky substance. Gen 6:14
Plaiting Braiding; gathering hair into knots. 1 Pet 3:3
Platted Braided; intertwined. Matt 27:29
Polled his head Cut hair from his head. 2 Sam 14:26
Pommels Bowl-shaped top of a pillar. 2 Chr 4:12-13
Post (person) Runner; courier. 2 Chr 30:6
Potsherd Piece of broken pottery. Job 2:8
Prating Babbling; chattering. Prov 10:8, 10
Presbytery Assembly of elders. 1 Tim 4:14
Prevent Come before, go before; anticipate. 2 Sam 22:6
Pricks OT: Thorns. Num 33:55 NT: Cattle prods or goads. Acts 9:5
Principalities Rulers or their territory. Jer 13:18
Privily In private; secretly. Judg 9:31
Privy (be) Privately knowing; knowing a secret. 1 Ki 2:44
Profane Treat as common; defile. Lev 18:21
Profound (be) Go deep into something. Hos 5:2
Prognosticators Foretellers of the future. Isa 47:13
Proper One's own; peculiar; particular. 1 Chr 29:3
Propitiation Sacrifice to pay for sins against God, to satisfy His righteous anger. Rom 3:25
Proselyte Convert. Matt 23:15
Provender Food for livestock or cattle. Gen 24:25
Psalm Sacred song about or to God. 1 Chr 16:7
Psaltery Stringed instrument, as a harp or guitar. 1 Sam 10:5
Publican Tax collector. Luke 5:27
Pulse Peas, beans; legumes. 2 Sam 17:28
Purloining Stealing; pilfering. Titus 2:10
Purtenance Inward parts; entrails. Ex 12:9
Putrifying Pertaining to gangrene; decaying. Isa 1:6
Quaternion Guard of four soldiers. Acts 12:4
Quick Alive; living. Lev 13:10
Quit Acquitted; found not guilty. Ex 21:19
Quit you like men Behave/act as a man should. 1 Sam 4:9; 1 Cor 16:13
Raiment Clothing; garments. Gen 24:53
Rampart Fortification; defensive structure. Lam 2:8
Rank (adj.) Full-grown; strong and robust. Gen 41:5, 7
Ravening Preying upon to devour. Psa 22:13
Ravin (noun) Torn flesh; food gotten by violence. Nah 2:12
Ravin (verb) Violently catch food or devour it. Gen 49:27
Ravished Raped (negative use); Isa 13:16; delighted (positive use). Pro 5:19
Rebuke Reprimand; strongly warn; restrain. Gen 31:42
Recompence Punishment for evil, reward. Dt 32:35; Pro 12:14
Redound Produce a result; to return. 2 Cor 4:15
Reel Stagger, walk to and fro like a drunkard. Ps 107:27; Is 24:20
Reins Literally, kidneys. Job 16:13; Figuratively, seat of emotion. Psa 7:9
Remission Forgiveness; pardon. Matt 26:28
Rend Tear apart; forcefully rip apart. Ex 39:23
Renown Great reputation; being well-known. Gen 6:4
Reproach Disgrace; shame. Gen 30:23
Reprobate Rejected; failing the test; lost in sin. Jer 6:30
Reproof Rebuke; scolding. Job 26:11
Requite Repay. Gen 50:15
Rereward Towards the rear; rear guard. Isa 52:12
Residue Part that remains, the rest. Ex 10:5
Rie Old spelling of "rye"; a grain. Isa 28:25
Ringstraked Striped, streaked. Gen 30:35 ff.
Road Old spelling of "raid". 1 Sam 27:10
Ruddy Reddish (hair or complexion). 1 Sam 16:12
Rude Unskilled, unrefined or unlearned. 2 Cor 11:6
Rue An evergreen plant used for medicine. Luke 11:42
Sabbath Rest; cessation from work. Ex 16:23
Sackbut Triangular, 4-stringed instrument, like a lyre. Dan 3:5, 7, 10, 15
Sacrilege Violate or steal sacred things. Rom 2:22
Salutation Greeting. Mark 12:38
Sanctify Make holy; set apart for God's use. Gen 2:3
Satan The Adversary of humans; the devil; the leader of the fallen angels. Matt 16:23
Satyr He-goat. Isa 13:21; 34:14
Savour Smell; taste; odor. Gen 8:21
Savourest You (singular) like; delight in; favor. Matt 16:23
Scall Scaly skin eruption. Lev 13:30-37
Score Multiply the number times 20 (e.g., "fourscore" =80). Gen 16:16
Scourge Whip; flog. Lev 19:20
Seemly Fitting; proper; becoming. Prov 19:10; 26:1
Seethe Boil; be very hot. Ex 16:23
Selvedge Fabric edge to prevent unraveling. Ex 26:4
Sepulchre Place of burial; grave; tomb. Gen 23:6
Servitor Attendant; one performing as a servant. 2 Ki 4:43
Set at nought Despise; disregard. Prov 1:25
Shambles Meat market; marketplace. 1 Cor. 10:25
Sheaf Bundle of grain. Gen 37:7
Sheepcote Sheep dwelling; stable. (See "cote") 1 Sam 24:3
Sherd See "potsherd." Isa 30:14
Sheriff Knowledgeable, legal official. Dan 3:2-3
Shew Old spelling of "show." Gen 12:1
Signet Seal or stamp, indicating the owner. Gen 38:18
Single Clear; pure; uncorrupted; healthy. Matt 6:22
Sith Old spelling of "since." Ezek 35:6
Slack Slow or negligent. Deut 7:10
Sleight Trickery; entrapment by deceit. Eph 4:14
Slow bellies Idle gluttons. Titus 1:12
Sod, sodden Cooked; boiled. Gen 25:29
Soothsayer One who foretells the future by ungodly means. Josh 13:22
Sop A morsel of bread to be dipped. John 13:26 f.
Sottish Foolish; dull with drink; sluggish. Jer 4:22
Spite Anger toward someone; grief. Psa 10:14
Spoil Booty; plunder; prey. Gen 49:27
Stanched Stopped flowing. Luke 8:44
Standard Flag; banner. Num 1:52
Staves Rods; clubs. Ex 25:13
Stay him, My stay Support; uphold. Prov 28:17 What one relies on. 2 Sam 22:19
Stayed Detained; held. Luke 4:42
Stomacher Ornamental covering, over the chest and/or stomach, for females. Isa 3:24
Straightway Right away; immediately. 1 Sam 9:13
Strait (adj.) Narrow; close together. 2 Ki 6:1; Matt 7:13
Strait (in a) Be in distress; be in a narrow place. 1 Sam 13:6
Straitened Impeded or restricted; narrowed. Job 18:7; Ezek 42:6 Distressed. Luke 12:50
Strake Old spelling of "struck." Acts 27:17
Strowed, strawed Scattered; spread. Matt 21:8
Succour Help; aid. Hebrew 2:18
Suffered not Did not allow. Gen 20:6
Sup Dine; eat. Luke 17:8
Sup up Gather together; accumulate, assemble. Hab 1:9
Superfluous More than necessary or wanted. Lev 21:18
Suppliants Worshippers. Zeph 3:10
Surfeiting Excess food or drink; overindulgence. Luke 21:34
Swaddling clothes Cloths for wrapping infants tightly. Luke 2:7, 12
Tablets Small, flat ornaments or jewelry. Ex 35:22
Taches Hooks; fasteners. Ex 26:6
Tale A number; something counted. Ex 5:8 Information given; a story. Psa 90:9
Talent Weight of money; weight; gift. Ex 25:39
Target Small shield; a buckler. 1 Sam 17:6
Tell To count; number. Gen 15:5
Tempered Mixed; combined. Ex 29:2
Temperance Self-control; moderation. Gal 5:23
Tempest Storm; violent wind; whirlwind. Job 9:17
Terrestrial Relating to the earth; earthly. 1 Cor 15:40
Testament A will, ratified after death; a covenant. Heb 9:16-18
Thitherward Toward it; in that direction. Jer 50:5
Thrice Three times. Ex 34:23
Tired Attired; put something around the head. 2 Ki 9:30
Tithe The tenth part; 1/10. Lev 27:30
Told out Counted out; numbered; tallied. 2 Chr 2:2
Tow Weaver's fiber or the yarn made from it. Judg 16:9
Traffick Trade; do business. Gen 42:34
Translate Transfer; remove to another place. 2 Sam 3:10
Trodden Walked on; trampled. Deut 1:36
Trode Stepped on; walked on. Judg 9:27
Trow To think; to believe; to trust. Luke 17:9
Twain Two. 1 Sam 18:21
Unction An anointing. 1 John 2:20
Unseemly Inappropriate. Rom 1:27
Untoward Perverse; not easily taught or guided. Acts 2:40
Usury Interest paid for using money. Ex 22:25
Utter court Outer court. Ezek 40:31
Utter gate Outer gate. Ezek 47:2
Valour Courage; personal bravery. Josh 1:14
Variance Disagreement; discord; dissension. Matt 10:35
Vaunt oneself Boast; brag about oneself. Judg 7:2
Vehement Violent; forceful; furious. Song of Sol 8:6
Verily Truly. Gen 42:21
Verity Truth. Psa 111:7
Vestments Official or ecclesiastical robes. 2 Ki 10:22
Vesture Garment; clothing. Deut 22:12
Vial Small bottle; something holding liquid. 1 Sam 10:1
Victuals Food for humans. Gen 14:11
Villany Extreme wickedness. Isa 32:6
Visage Appearance; face; look of a person. Isa 52:14
Vocation What God calls, gifts a person to do. Eph 4:1
Want Lack; be deficient. Deut 28:48
Wanton Without restraint; reckless. Isa 3:16
Ward In custody, with a guard; prison. Gen 40:3
Wast You (one person) were. Gen 3:11
Wax Grow; become; advance. Ex 22:24
Wen A wart; a tumor; a swelling. Lev 22:22
Wert (If) you (one person) were. Job 8:6
Whelp A cub; a young one. Gen 49:9
Whether is? Which of the two? Judg 9:2
Wimples Curled hair; veils crimped. Isa 3:22
Winefat Wine vat. Isa 63:2
Wine on the lees Fully fermented wine. Isa 25:6
Wist, wot Knew; thought; supposed. Ex 16:15
Withs Twigs twisted to make a band, rope. Judg 16:7-9
Wont Used to; in the habit of. Ex 21:29